Battle Surge Pack Quick Start
Provides you basic Herald hero, but also 6 combat boosts (Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, Magic Defense, HP, Crit)
Duration: +50% bonus for 3 hours
Emerald Initiate Reinforced Push
Provides you Crusader hero,
VIP 1 Month (+100% EXP and battle rewards)
Additional combat boosts
This package will save you a lot of time:
Hero: Archon
VOLCARR Mine – a source of gems
VIP 3 Months
5 sets of combat boosts
Azure Pathfinder Pioneer’s Takeoff
With this pack you will skip almost all stages of farming
Hero: Legend
RADIAR Mine – access to a large gem reserve
VIP 6 Months
10 sets of combat boosts
Amethyst Champion Champion’s Path
Hero: Ancient – the strongest in IN
RADIAR Mine + 15 VOLCARR Mines
VIP 12 Months
50 sets of combat boosts
Crimson Overlord Absolute Power
Best way to start play for yourself or good gift to your friend